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Harrowing video shows Pennsylvania man trying to shoot pastor mid-sermon

A man has been arrested in Pennsylvania after trying to shoot a pastor mid-sermon. The horrifying incident was caught on camera. Later, police found one of the suspect’s family members shot dead in his home.
Bernard Polite, 26, was arrested after attempting to shoot pastor Glenn Germany at the Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock. The incident took place on Sunday afternoon, May 5.
A livestream of the incident shows Germany trying to duck for cover as Polite pointed the gun towards him. Several churchgoers reportedly watched in horror, as did Germany’s 14-year-old daughter.
“He pulled the gun; it clicked,” the pastor told WPXI. “You heard him shoot it.”
“God jammed the gun so the bullet didn’t come out,” he added.
Polite abruptly walked towards the front pew while about 25 parishioners were listening to the sermon. “He stood up and he smiled at me. And it was just a smile,” Germany said. “He comes to right here and then all of a sudden, that’s when I see him pull the gun and all I could do is duck and try to get out of the way.”
Clarence McCallister, the deacon of the church, was seen tackling Polite. Both he and Germany managed to take Polite’s gun away and pin him down until police arrived.
“God had his hands on the pastor,” McCallister said. “He wasn’t letting him go nowhere.”
Germany revealed that while in custody, Polite told him he saw “spirits” in his mind telling him to carry out the shooting. “He said, ‘The spirits were in my mind. They got in my mind and told me to shoot the pastor’,” Germany said.
He added, “He actually apologized to me. I told him that ‘I forgive you and want you to know I love you,’ but yes, I definitely forgave him.”
The pastor revealed in an interview with WTAE that Polite told him, “You ducked a taco today.” “That’s what he told me, and I guess that’s slang for ‘You ducked a bullet’,” Germany said.
After arresting Polite, cops found the body of a man, 56, who had been shot dead where Polite lives. The house is less than half a mile from the church, according to Allegheny County police. The victim has been identified as Derek Polite, and it is unclear when he was shot dead.
Polite is facing various charges, including aggravated assault and attempted homicide.
